Theory of Complex Systems Department
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Jagiellonian University
Prof. dr hab. Maciej A. Nowak
room D-2-39
Tel: +48 12 664 4678
Tel: +48 12 664 4678

Articles published in peer-reviewed journals
- PO Mazur, MA Nowak, M Praszałowicz, SU (3) extension of the skyrme model, Physics Letters B 147 (1-3), 137-140 192, 1984
- MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Chiral effective action with heavy-quark symmetry, Physical Review D 48 (9), 4370 187, 1993
- NN Scoccola, H Nadeau, MA Nowak, M Rho, The hyperons as skyrmions with vector mesons, Physics Letters B 201 (4), 425-431 136, 1988
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Non-hermitian random matrix models, Nuclear Physics B 501 (3), 603-642 117, 1997
- MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Chiral Doubling of Heavy-Light Hadrons: BaBar 2317 MeV and CLEO 2463 MeV Discoveries, Acta Physica Polonica B35, 2377 116, 2003
- Z Burda, D Johnston, J Jurkiewicz, M Kamiński, MA Nowak, G Papp, ..., Wealth condensation in Pareto macroeconomies, Physical Review E 65 (2), 026102 100, 2002
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, Is econophysics a solid science?, Acta Physica Polonica B34, 87 98, 2003
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, J Wambach, I Zahed, Non-Hermitian random matrix models: Free random variable approach, Physical Review E 55 (4), 4100 98, 1997
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral disorder in QCD, Physical Review Letters 81 (2), 264 84, 1998
- MA Nowak, EV Shuryak, I Zahed, Instanton-induced inelastic collisions in QCD, Physical Review D 64 (3), 034008 82, 2001
- MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Flavor mixing in the instanton vacuum, Nuclear Physics B 324 (1), 1-33 67, 1989
- J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Dirac spectrum in QCD and quark masses, Nuclear Physics B 478 (3), 605-626 63, 1996
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, Wishart and anti-Wishart random matrices, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (12), 3629 61, 2003
- E Gudowska-Nowak, RA Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, Infinite products of large random matrices and matrix-valued diffusion, Nuclear Physics B 670 (3), 479-507 56, 2003
- Z Burda, A Jarosz, G Livan, MA Nowak, A Swiech, Eigenvalues and singular values of products of rectangular Gaussian random matrices, Physical Review E 82 (6), 061114 55, 2010
- G Papp, S Pafka, MA Nowak, I Kondor, Random matrix filtering in portfolio optimization, Acta Physica Polonica B36 (9) 2757 48, 2005
- Z Burda, RA Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Free random Lévy matrices, Physical Review E 65 (2), 021106 48, 2002
- RA Janik, W Nörenberg, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Correlations of eigenvectors for non-Hermitian random-matrix models, Physical Review E 60 (3), 2699 48, 1999
- MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Is the nucleon strange?, Physics Letters B 217 (1-2), 157-161 48, 1989
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Macroscopic Universality: Why QCD in Matter is Subtle, Physical Review Letters 77 (24), 4876 45, 1996
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Various shades of Blue's functions, Acta Physica Polonica B28, 2949 43, 1997
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, Large-N c confinement and turbulence, Physical Review Letters 101 (10), 102001 42, 2008
- S Chernyshev, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Heavy hadrons and QCD instantons, Physical Review D 53 (9), 5176 42, 1996
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Chiral random matrix models: thermodynamics, phase transitions and universality, Physics Letters B 392 (1-2), 155-162 40, 1997
- R Alkofer, MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Pseudoscalars in the instanton liquid model, Physics Letters B 233 (1-2), 205-209 33, 1989
- MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Instantons and chiral dynamics, Physics Letters B 228 (2), 251-258 33, 1989
- MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Chiral fermions in the instanton vacuum at finite temperature, Nuclear Physics B 325 (3), 581-592 31, 1989
- MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, QCD-inspired spectra from Blue's functions, Physics Letters B 389 (1), 137-143 30, 1996
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Levy matrices and financial covariances, Acta Physica Polonica B34, 4747. 29, 2001
- A Jarosz, MA Nowak, Random Hermitian versus random non-Hermitian operators—unexpected links, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (32), 10107 27, 2006
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Free Lévy matrices and financial correlations, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 343, 694-700 27, 2004
- MA Nowak, I Zahed, Excited heavy mesons, Physical Review D 48 (1), 356 26, 1993
- MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Heavy solitonic baryons, Physics Letters B 303 (1-2), 130-134 26, 1993
- HK Lee, MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, NonAbelian Berry phases in baryons, Annals of Physics 227, 175 26, 1993
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Brezin-Zee universality: Why quenched QCD in matter is subtle?, Physical Review Letters 77, 4876 26, 1996
- MA Nowak, M Rho, A Wirzba, I Zahed, π0→ γγ in dense QCD, Physics Letters B 497 (1), 85-90 25, 2001
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Critical scaling at zero virtuality in QCD, Physics Letters B 446 (1), 9-14 25, 1999
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Localization transitions from free random variables, Acta Physica Polonica B30 (1999) 45 25, 1997
- MA Nowak, M Praszałowicz, W Słomiński, A practical guide to the next-to-leading order of the perturbation expansion, Annals of Physics 166 (2), 443-488 25, 1986
- Z Burda, A Jarosz, G Livan, MA Nowak, A Swiech, Eigenvalues and singular values of products of rectangular Gaussian random matrices (The Extended Version), Acta Physica Polonica B42, 939 24, 2011
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Free random lévy and wigner-lévy matrices, Physical Review E 75 (5), 051126 22, 2007
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, The U (1) problem in chiral random matrix models, Nuclear Physics B 498 (1-2), 313-330 22, 1997
- A Fayyazuddin, TH Hansson, MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, Finite temperature correlators in the Schwinger model, Nuclear Physics B 425 (3), 553-578 21, 1994
- Z Burda, MA Nowak, A Swiech, Spectral relations between products and powers of isotropic random matrices, Physical Review E 86 (6), 061137 20, 2012
- Z Burda, A Jarosz, MA Nowak, J Jurkiewicz, G Papp, I Zahed, Applying free random variables to random matrix analysis of financial data. Part I: The Gaussian case, Quantitative Finance 11 (7), 1103-1124 20, 2011
- MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Lattice QCD spectra at finite temperature: A Random matrix approach, Physics Letters B 389 (2), 341-346 19, 1996
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, Universal shocks in random matrix theory, Physical Review E 82 (5), 051115 18, 2010
- MA Nowak, Status of chiral doublers of heavy-light hadrons in light of recent BaBar, CLEO, BELLE and SELEX Ds states, International Journal of Modern Physics A 20 (02n03), 229-239 18, 2005
- S Chernyshev, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Heavy mesons in a random instanton gas, Physics Letters B 350 (2), 238-244 18, 1995
- MA Nowak, M Praszałowicz, M Sadzikowski, J Wasiluk, Chiral doublers of heavy-light baryons, Physical Review D 70 (3), 031503 16, 2004
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Green's functions in non-hermitian random matrix models, Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 9 (3), 456-462 16, 2001
- MA Nowak, Quarks in the instant on liquid-like picture of the QCD vacuum, Acta Physica Polonica. B 22 (8), 697-744 15, 1991
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, P Warchoł, Burgers-like equation for spontaneous breakdown of the chiral symmetry in QCD, Physics Letters B 724 (1), 170-175 14, 2013
- Z Burda, A Jarosz, MA Nowak, M Snarska, A random matrix approach to VARMA processes, New Journal of Physics 12 (7), 075036 13, 2010
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, U (1) problem at finite temperature, AIP Conference Proceedings 494 (1), 408-422 13, 1999
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral random matrix models in QCD, Acta Physica Polonica B29, 3957 13, 1998
- H Nadeau, MA Nowak, M Rho, V Vento, Strangeness and the baryon size, Physical Review Letters 57 (17), 2127 13, 1986
- M Nowak, M Praszałowicz, Direct photon production beyond leading log approximation—q+q→ γ+ q+q contribution, Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 17 (3), 249-257 13, 1983
- Z Burda, J Grela, MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, P Warchoł, Dysonian dynamics of the Ginibre ensemble, Physical Review Letters 113 (10), 104102 12, 2014
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, P Warchoł, Universal shocks in the Wishart random-matrix ensemble, Physical Review E 87 (5), 052134 11, * 2013
- Z Burda, RA Janik, MA Nowak, Multiplication law and S transform for non-hermitian random matrices, Physical Review E 84 (6), 061125 11, 2011
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, Large Nc Confinement, Universal Shocks and Random Matrices, Acta Physica Polonica B40, 3321 11, 2009
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Random Lévy matrices revisited, Physical Review E75, 051126 11, 2006
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Free random Lévy variables and financial probabilities, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 299 (1), 181-187 11, 2001
- MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Spin factors and geometric phases in arbitrary dimensions, Physics Letters B 254 (1-2), 94-102 11, 1991
- MA Nowak, I Zahed, Skyrmions from instantons at finite temperature, Physics Letters B 230 (1-2), 108-112 11, 1989
- Z Burda, J Grela, MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, P Warchoł, Unveiling the significance of eigenvectors in diffusing non-Hermitian matrices by identifying the underlying Burgers dynamics, Nuclear Physics B 897, 421-447 10, 2015
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, P Warchoł, Universal shocks in the Wishart random-matrix ensemble. II. Nontrivial initial conditions, Physical Review E 89 (4), 042130 10, 2014
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, New developments in non-Hermitian random matrix models, New Developments in Quantum Field Theory, 297-314 10, 2002
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral disorder and QCD at finite chemical potential, Physics Letters B 440 (1), 123-128 10, 1998
- HK Lee, MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Chiral bags and Berry phases, Physics Letters B 255 (1), 96-100 10, 1991
- MA Nowak, JJM Verbaarschot, I Zahed, OZI rule and instantons, Physics Letters B 226 (3-4), 382-386 10, 1989
- M Jeżabek, KJ Heller, MA Nowak, Is the bag radius unobservable?, Physics Letters B 166 (1), 101-105 10, 1986
- E Gudowska-Nowak, RA Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, On diffusion of large matrices, New Journal of Physics 7 (1), 54 9, 2005
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Pappl, I Zahed, A four-fermi model in 0+ 1 dimensions in matter, Nuclear Physics A 642 (1-2), c191-c196 9, 1998
- J Jurkiewicz, G Lukaszewski, MA Nowak, Diagrammatic approach to fluctuations in the Wishart ensemble, Acta Physica Polonica B 39 (4), 799 8, 2008
- JK Ochab, J Tyburczyk, E Beldzik, DR Chialvo, A Domagalik, M Fafrowicz, ..., Scale-free fluctuations in behavioral performance: Delineating changes in spontaneous behavior of humans with induced sleep deficiency, PloS one 9 (9), e107542 7, 2014
- JP Blaizot, J Grela, MA Nowak, P Warchoł, Diffusion in the space of complex Hermitian matrices-microscopic properties of the averaged characteristic polynomial and the averaged inverse characteristic polynomial, Acta Physica Polonica B46 (9), 1801 7, 2014
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral disorder and the QCD dirac spectrum, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 131, 471-481 7, 1998
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral symmetry in matter, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA SERIES B 27, 3271-3298 7, 1996
- Z Burda, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Random Levy Matrices: II, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA SERIES B 36 (9), 2635 6, 2005
- DK Hong, HK Lee, MA Nowak, M Rho, Neutrino interactions in color-flavor-locked dense matter, AIP Conference Proceedings 556 (1), 184-196 6, 2001
- KJ Heller, M Jeżabek, MA Nowak, Isoscalar charge radius of the chiral bag, Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 30 (3), 483-492 6, 1986
- E Gudowska-Nowak, A Jarosz, MA Nowak, G Papp, Towards non-Hermitian random Lévy matrices, Acta Physica Polonica B 38 (13), 4089 5, 2007
- E Gudowska-Nowak, RA Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, Diffusion process of large random matrices, Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 4835 5, 2003
- HK Lee, MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Excited baryons and Berry phases, Physics Letters B 272 (1-2), 109-113 5, 1991
- RA Janik, MA Nowak, G Papp, I Zahed, Chiral disorder in two-color QCD with Abelian external fluxes, Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 83, 977-979 4, 2000
- M Jezabek, MA Nowak, M Rho, Are strange baryons non-spherical?, Physics Letters B 182 (2), 139-142 4, 1986
- D Chialvo, AMG Torrado, E Gudowska-Nowak, JK Ochab, P Montoya, ..., How we move is universal: scaling in the average shape of human activity, Papers in Physics 7, 070017 3, 2015
- W Młotkowski, MA Nowak, KA Penson, K Życzkowski, Spectral density of generalized Wishart matrices and free multiplicative convolution, Physical Review E 92 (1), 012121 3, 2015
- MA Nowak, Chiral doublings of heavy‐light hadrons: New charmed mesons discovered by BABAR, CLEO and BELLE, AIP Conference Proceedings 717 (1), 670-674 3, 2004
- MA Nowak, J Wasiluk, INTRODUCTION TO CHIRAL DOUBLING OF HEAVY–LIGHT HADRONS, Acta Physica Polonica. Series B 35 (12), 3021-3038 3, 2004
- Z Drogosz, J Jurkiewicz, G Łukaszewski, MA Nowak, Comparison of eigeninference based on one-and two-point Green's functions, Physical Review E 92 (2), 2, 2015
- E Gudowska-Nowak, R Janik, J Jurkiewicz, MA Nowak, W Wieczorek, Random walkers versus random crowds: Diffusion of large matrices, Chemical Physics 375 (2), 380-385 2, 2010
- JP Blaizot, MA Nowak, Confinement, Turbulence and Diffraction Catastrophes, Nuclear Physics A 827 (1-4), 383c-385c 2, 2009
- S Belinschi, MA Nowak, R Speicher, W Tarnowski, Squared eigenvalue condition numbers and eigenvector correlations from the single ring theorem, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (10), 105204 1, 2016
- E Gudowska-Nowak, JK Ochab, K Oleś, E Beldzik, DR Chialvo, ..., Seeking a fingerprint: analysis of point processes in actigraphy recording, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (5), 054034 1, 2016
- JP Blaizot, J Grela, MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, P Warchoł, Ornstein–Uhlenbeck diffusion of hermitian and non-hermitian matrices—unexpected links, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (5), 054037 1, 2016
- MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, Spectra of large time-lagged correlation matrices from Random Matrix Theory, Journals of Statistical Physics 2017, 063405, 2016
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Chiral random matrix model at finite chemical potential: Characteristic determinant and edge universality, Nuclear Physics B 909, 14-42, 2016
- Z Burda, J Kornelsen, MA Nowak, B Porebski, U Sboto-Frankenstein, ..., Collective Correlations of Brodmann Areas fMRI Study with RMT-Denoising, Acta Physica Polonica B 44 (6), 1243, 2013
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Disorder in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, Physics Letters B 773, 2017, 675, 2013
- MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, Complete diagrammatics of the single ring theorem, Physical Review E96, 2017, 042149
- MA Nowak, W Tarnowski. , Probing non-orthogonality of eigenvectors in non-Hermitian matrix models: diagrammatic approach, Journal of High Energy Physics 06 (2018) 162.
- J Grela, MA Nowak, Extreme matrices and how an exponential map links classical and free extreme laws, Physical Review E102, 2020, 022109.
- MA Nowak, W Tarnowski, Narain transform for spectral deformations of random matrix models, Nuclear Physics B 955 (2020)
- E Gudowska-Nowak, MA Nowak, DR Chialvo, JK Ochab, W Tarnowski, From Synaptic Interactions to Collective Dynamics in Random Neuronal Networks Models: Critical Role of Eigenvectors and Transient Behavior, Neural Computation 32 (2020) 395
- W Tarnowski, P Warchoł, S Jastrzębski, J Tabor, MA Nowak, Dynamical Isometry is Achieved in Residual Netwroks in a Universla Way for any Activation Function, , Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2019, PMLR: Volume 89 (2019)
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Physical Review D100 (2019) 12, Heavy holographic exotics: Tetraquarks as Efimov states,
- Y Ma, MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Physical Review Letters 123 (2019) 172301, Baryons as a Quantum Hall Droplet and the Cheshire Cat Principle
- J. Grela, M. A. Nowak, W. Tarnowski, Eikonal Formulation of Large Dynamical Random Matrix Models, Physical Review E 104 (2021) 054111, [arXiv: 2010.01690]
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Holographic charm and bottom pentaquarks I. Mass spectra with spin effects, Physical Review D 104 (2021) 114021
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Holographic charm and bottom pentaquarks II. Open and hidden decay widths, Physical Review D 104 (2021) 114022
- Y Liu, KA Mamo, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Holographic charm and bottom pentaquarks III. Excitations through photo-production of heavy mesons, Physical Review D 104 (2021) 114023
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Holographic tetraquarks and the newly observed T_{cc}^+ at LHCb, Physical Review D 105 (2022) 054021
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Hyperons and \Theta_s^+ in holographic models, Physical Review D 105 (2022) 114021
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Entanglement entropy and flow in two dimensional QCD: parton and string duality, Physical Review D 105 (2022) 114027
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Rapidity evolution of the entanglement entropy in quarkonium: parton and string duality, Physical Review D 105 (2022) 114028
- Y Liu, MA Nowak, I Zahed, Spatial entanglement in two-dimensional QCD: Renyi and Ryu-Takayanagi entropies Physical Review D 107 (2023) 054010
- MA Nowak, M Rho, I Zahed, Nuclear Chiral Dynamics World Scientific, Singapore, 1996 (528 pages)